
Long post! Sorry.

Okay, so this is a long shot. But, my primary care physician diagnosed me with PCOS last September. The only three things she said that lead to my diagnosis is that I 1. Have slightly elevated testosterone. It’s supposed to be under like 49 and mine is a 52, she put me on a med to lower it and I took it for the 30 days that was in the bottle. I couldn’t take it anymore after that because I threw up every night bc of it. 2. I’m supposedly insulin resistant but when I looked at my blood work my A1C was perfect. It was a 5.0! ALL of my other bloodwork was perfect. It was all in the green zone. 3. I had an internal ultrasound done of my ovaries & all that. They said I had the “PCOS” look to them, mind you, probably 5 months before that I had one done as well and they said everything was perfect. 4. I have DARK peach fuzz growing in odd places like my belly or chin. It’s not thick and not tons of it.

NOW to the real question, why do I ovulate every month and have pretty okay periods. I mean the periods aren’t like clockwork same days every month but they’re pretty darn close. And I track my ovulation and I ovulate normally on cycle day 18. I really am so confused. To my understanding women with PCOS have less than 9 periods a month and rarely ovulate?? I maybe skip a period a year..

I honestly am begging to believe maybe my husband is the reason we haven’t conceived. It’ll be three years soon with no luck!

I need advice.