Parental rights


Not super sure this is the right group, but needing some advice from someone who has gone through a similar situation.

I have 2 kids with my ex husband, I have full custody but he still maintains his parental rights. He owes me $1500 in child support (however it isn’t court mandated but just written on our parenting plan). He is supposed to give me $150 every other week, yes that’s only $300 a month for BOTH kids. During the winter he will go months without seeing them, because he won’t drive in the snow. During this time he won’t even call them. The last time he actually called them was November 5 2019 for my daughters birthday. Then he saw them at the beginning of March an then again finally the weekend before last. He didn’t call them in between visits. Didn’t call on Christmas either. He made a lame excuse of how his IPad was broken so he couldn’t talk to our son for his birthday yesterday. He asked to talk and I told him our daughter was in bed but he could talk to our son. He tried to back out and said “just forget it, ill just see them Friday”. Ugh. When they do go see him they come back dirty and smell like smoke (he lives with his parents, yes at 30, and she smokes outside but it fallows her inside). He can’t even bathe them! My soon to be husband is SUCH a good dad, so much so my kids call him dad all on their own and have been calling their real dad by his first name. We don’t call him by his name in front of the kids we will call him ‘your dad’ so them calling him his first name is their choice. They’re only 6 and 3.5!! Ugh. I would just love my soon to be husband to adopt them that way my ex doesn’t have to worry about child support and I can give my kids better benefits. I know he won’t do it willingly though. Even though he’s fine without talking to them for 5 months. Ugh I don’t know.