I wanna end things but I don’t. Please nice advice

I’ll keep this as short as possible. My partner and Inhave been together for a few years now. He came into my kids life and is what they call “ dad” I was rAped and beat up when I was like 15. My ob told me I had would develope cervical cancer and if I wanted to have a baby I should soon. So we had our son and when he was 3 months old I had to have a hysterectomy. I’m only 23 by the way.

Now I know “ men” have that stigma of leaving the house dirty or not picking up after themselves and I hear it’s normal blah. But for me, If I bust my ass to clean please help me out. I’m exhausted from 3 kids. He is a nurse and works a lot so I go out of my way to always make sure he’s 100%. He does NOTHINGGGG in return for me but make things harder. I know he’s under a lot of pressure but me too. For 9 months it’s just gotten worse. I get up with the baby in the night, I get up with him when he wakes and he sleeps. I complain so much for some help. Like please let me sleep in some days and you get up with the baby and he says he will then the following morning rolls around and guess whose having to fet up.. me.. which I just brush it off sometimes. Then he will leave his food out and we get ants and I HATE it cause I do everything to get rid of them. It’s a hassle constantly it’s like having another child. He play games all night long easily from when the baby goes down at 9-10 to like 5-6 in the morning. Then the next day he’s too tired to spend time with any of us. When I force it he’s cranky and not a person you’d wanna be around.. this has all been an issue for so long.... we are about to move in together. I’ve been anxious to do this step cause I just wanna feel secured first before doing this. But now I don’t think I wanna do that to my children or myself. ( And when I say I clean I mean his house all the time. His laundry. We stay over and it’s all me doing everything ). He does nothing T all to go out of his way to show he loves me. He tells me but it’s like ok? He tells me he will do better and I deserve better and this and that but the next day it’s back to normal. Hesall talk. He’s loyal and a great guy but I feel like I deserve much better. 😢

He thinks “ his money is his money “ which I get it 100%. But he won’t give me money. He bitches at me for spending ANY money. I went to Walmart one day and bought household cleaners he desperately needed and he got after me for it. I don’t work right now cause having 3 kids and living in a town that’s not that big it’s just a struggle finding baby sitters and getting a job that will actually hire me. I’ve been struggling so bad. I’m so depressed, I struggle with ptsd from my past. I feel nothing here but I feel so guilty for giving up on a good guy. I wanna believe he can be different but I’ve never seen it. What’s the point anymore. Sex is pretty much off the table completly. It’s a rare moment if it occurs. We don’t cuddle. No bonding or quality time which is VERY IMPORTANT.

Please some helpful advice..