34 weeks pregnant, toddler pooped in the bathtub, and my laundry room flooded!

Visceral Mercenary • May you find your worth in the waking world.

Tonight was one hell of a night. I'm stressed out enough because my second son has been uncharacteristically gripey for about two weeks and I have no idea why. Anyway, I've got two toddlers (3 and 20 months.) I was assaulted a couple of weeks ago and since then, my back has been messed up and I've let my kids go an extra day between baths. But tonight was bath night.

I always bathe them together because it's easier. My 20 month old is developmentally delayed in a few areas so he doesn't really understand a lot of things that a tot his age should. Pooping in the bathtub being one.. so he starts pooping, manages to squeeze one turd out before I get him out and have him stand on a towel because I'm not going to be able to get a diaper on in time. Not even going to risk trying to hold him over the toilet. He hates being touched and he's wet/slippery, so I feel like I'd have probably dropped him in.

My 3 year old is a genuine neat freak. Like, he hates when he is messy. Full on crying like he's hurt when he spills food in himself type of hates being messy. He's standing on the other side of the bathroom crying because of the poop in the water.

Get the tub drained, poop scooped, wipe him off and get them back in the tub so they can get clean again. 20 month old managed to get half the poop on the towel and the other half on the bath mat.

Give them another bath, get them in their jammies, brush their teeth, put the 20 month old in bed, get my 3 year old to go pick out their bedtime stories. While he's doing that, I get the bath mat in the washer and then go read them their stories. 3 year old doesn't like being left alone to sleep so I stay with them.

Can hear that the washer is banging around because I can never really seem to balance it correctly with the towels. So unbalanced load.. lots of banging. Kind of notice it's louder than usual, but don't think anything of it.

Kids are finally asleep, so I leave. Eat dinner and while I'm eating, I can hear the water running as if the washer is on the rinse cycle. I'm watching some true crime while I'm eating, so I'm not really paying much attention to the washer until I start thinking, "man... it's been filling up the drum for a really long time."

So I go check on it. You know that scene in Community when Troy opens the door smiling and the apartment is on fire? That's what it felt like.. except it was a flood instead of a fire.

The washer had hopped around so much that it had managed to detach from the drainage pipe and turn around backwards. Floor is flooded, water is starting to leech into the carpet just outside the door, diapers are floating around, my 3 year old's potty is floating in there. I walk in to assess the damage and then realize that my vacuum's charging plate is underwater and still plugged in, so I take a flying leap onto the dryer because I just know I'm about to be electrocuted because that's how this night is going. Managed to unplug it. Doubt it works anymore.. but really hope it does.

It took 3 hours to clean up all the water, get the washing machine moved back to its proper place, hook it back up to the drainage, correctly balance the load and watch it for an entire wash cycle so I can make sure it doesn't leak.

Half way through cleaning it up, I got a picture for my husband of the entrance to the laundry room. (He works nights so he is not home. And his job is really dangerous so being caught with his phone on him could get him fired. So he doesn't know what's going on.)

Laundry room is larger than it looks, as there is a whole different section off to the left where I store my son's cloth diapers, the diaper pail for them, my 3 year old's potty, and my cat's food. We are renting and the house is super unlevel, so the section to the left off camera is about 4 inches deep in water.

I quit smoking cigarettes in March of 2016 when I got pregnant with my 3 year old and tonight was the first time that I really, really wanted to smoke. I didn't of course and don't even keep any in the house.

I felt like tonight was one big domino effect and it all started because my son decided to take a shit in the bath tub.