Finally pregnant!


My hubby and I have suffered with infertility for 5 years and had all tests, procedures etc done and our next step was <a href="">IVF</a> (on wait list) as everything else wasn’t working. Well this past cycle I didn’t track, didn’t take any meds, and we really didn’t have much sex either (combo of super busy working from home mainly). Well I’ve been feeling off since Sunday including sick (sore throat/congestion), extremely sore breasts, and non stop burping. I am 3-4 days late. I took some tests. Here are my pics. I’m thrilled they are positive! I do hope the line progresses to darker though as it is fairly light. They do look slightly darker in person than showing in the pic. Is this normal for the line to be so light? Morning urine was used.

Due date is estimated as Jan 23

I’d be considered high risk due to some health issues (gynaecological and general issues) so I’m worried but trying not to stress. I am early 30s.