Updates on my babygirl 🥰

Breana • Had my rainbow on 12.4.19 💕🌈 Miscarried 12.14.18 👼🏼

She will be 6 months on the 4th... where has my baby gone 😭 she gives kisses, loves tasting whatever food mommy has (whatever is safe for her), loves her morning oatmeal and her bananas slices. She can roll over, here recently she started sucking her thumb although we have used a paci since day one. She naps in her crib mostly and going to bed in her crib, her first feeding of the night I usually just bring her to bed with us. She’s so goofy and truly such a good baby 😭 I’m blessed. We had our first lake trip last weekend and she enjoyed it! She didn’t care for the life jacket though.