Life is not fair at all


It is so stressful when you been trying for things and it's so hard for you to get. All I want is to get a home for me n my kids and have one more child. I also thought having a child is such a blessing. But it seem the more I try and more I become disappointed and stress. I never thought it will be so hard to get what you want in life. I got my tube tie when I had my last child because I was so mad at my babydaddy at the time. Years later I decide to have another one. I paid over 5,000 to have my tubes untied and it seem like it so hard for me to get pregnant. I decide to stop trying and it happen it happen but that still ain't working and the amount of sex I have still not working. I went to the doctor year ago to take a test to see if my tubes was still open after getting them untied 3 years ago now and everything was still open. My doctor gave me some pills to try and I have stop taking them and just gave up. This all is so depressing and stressful..... I'm not happy with my life at all. I'm just living. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😣😣