Need Advice please

Need advice 😞 for the past 7-8 months my boyfriend been texting/calling escorts, I was looking at the phone records and saw it.. He say it’s just bullshit( he never meet up with them) sometime he’ll be texting them sitting next to me or mostly at night when I’m sleeping (11-3) we got a good sex life , we have 4 kids together been together 10 years .. The first time I caught him he said his coworker told him about it saying it’s good for a good conversation or whatever.. he said he’ll stop fast forward to now he still doing it ( he doesn’t drive he either use Uber to get around) I just don’t know if he actually meet up with one them because I also saw he contacted a cab service and was on the phone for 2 minutes or so ! Then he searched hotels close by .. but he said he never went it was just to get off ( guess by them talking on the phone or them respond back to his texts) not to mention our youngest is 5 months, He’s a good father and boyfriend.. I don’t know how much more I can take I’m depressed all the time just want to be happy again