Worries about late period


So as you can tell my period is late. I usually have very regular periods where I know exactly when I’m going to get it sometimes it’s to the same day each month, <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> always gets it right might be a day in or out. This month was meant to be the 16th but it hasn’t come at all. Obviously with the coronavirus and lockdown I haven’t seen my boyfriend in 2/3 months now so haven’t had sex for that long either so can’t be pregnant. My diet and sleep schedule has changed a lot however where within the last 3 days I’ve slept 4 hours due to my work as I’m a career and it’s been very busy this week. My diet has also changed as I’ve been living of energy and junk food just because I needed the energy (I know it’d bad but it’ll be back to normal next week) does anyone know if it could be that affecting it, if I don’t get in within the next week or so I may call my doctor?