Baby playing with ears...teething?

Randi • In love with my best friend. ❤ 5/26/18 👰🤵 Mama to the perfect baby boy born 11/14/19👶💙

I'm sure this question gets asked a lot but I'd appreciate the advice and opinions! I'm sure he doesn't have an ear infection as he's been to the doctor 3 times this week (vaccines Tuesday, random knee swelling and pain on Wednesday, follow-up appointment on Thursday) and his ears were checked each time he was there. For the past week or two my son has been playing with his ears pretty regularly throughout the day, especially when tired or upset. I can't see any teeth coming in but could it be a sign that they're on the way? He is also chewing on everything and drooling a lot but he's been doing that for a few months lol.