I did it without you


I had the healthiest and happiest pregnancy and you weren’t there.

I gave birth to a healthy baby girl without you supporting me through it.

I told myself it was gonna be okay whenever she wouldnt stop crying and I didn’t know what to do.

I pat myself on the back whenever she hit her milestones.

I went back to work so I could support her.

I put a roof over her head.

I took off work to take her to every doctors appointment and made sure she was healthy.

I put food in her belly and I take care of her when she’s sick.

She knows who I am, and I did it without you.

I did everything and I will continue to do everything. I will protect her, I will provide, I will guide her, I will be her best friend, and she will be happy without you.

She’s the greatest thing you ever gave me.

She’s amazing, and you’ll never get to witness it.

I wanted you. But I didn’t need you.