38 weeks & pains!

Melissa • 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟬👧🏻 - 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟭🧒🏻 & 🤰🏻

I’m 39 weeks on Friday and for the last two weeks I’ve been experiencing “period-cramps” everyday on and off.

They do get very painful but are irregular and not back to back.

Why is it some of us get this? From most ladies I know they only experienced this during labour. More intense of course.

I called my maternity triage a while ago and was told this can happen days to even weeks before labour and until it’s back to back it’s not a concern.

Is there any better explanations for this so I can understand more & also does anyone else around this stage feel babies head super low and get a uncomfortable feeling of pressure down below?! As if babies head is trying to come out 🤣