Pregnant?? Possibly??


So, i posted this a day or so ago saying:

I’m curious if I’m pregnant or not..a few days out of this last week I’ve had diarrhea, (could have ate something wrong) my sister said she noticed- moody, more tired, & now my nipples are sensitive not my boobs just nipples. I’ve been pregnant before but I honestly cannot remember enough to compare and I’ve heard each pregnancy can differ. Any insight would be amazing. Due for my period tomorrow so we will see soon enough, but I’m too impatient and excited! I get my hopes up too high and end up not being pregnant so if it happens it happens. TIA

UPDATE- went to the store today bought a dollar store test and first response from Walmart came home took the dollar tree test only it said negative. Haven’t taken the first response one yet because I’m deciding to wait until tomorrow morning. Can this happen? I was supposed to get my period today and so far I haven’t , I get that I could possibly get it tomorrow?! But I’m just confused..