Aggression at bedtime with 1 year old

Allison • Wife and dog mom 🐾💕 one baby in heaven 👼🏻 and Khloe Ann born 6/5/19 👶🏼🎀🌸

My daughter is 2 weeks away from turning a year old and for the last 3 weeks we have struggled with bedtime. We have had the same bedtime routine ever since she moved to her own room at 5 months. She used to go down pretty easy but now she is hitting, kicking and head butting. It takes us 39-45 minutes after bedtime routine and a bottle to get her to sleep. Is this normal? I’m at wits end and am so tired of having to fight her. I get to the point where I just lay her down and walk out. She cries and my husband tends to her. I don’t want to. I want to use some tough love and sleep train but at the same time, I’m not comfortable with it because she’s fighting a double ear infection and another tooth is erupting.

We are on round 2 of antibiotics and I don’t think it’s working at all. Could her ears have something to do with it? She goes down for naps easily