OPK confusion strip & digital

Quick recap: Had a blazing hpt May 7, kept testing and line kept getting lighter until I began bleeding from 10-13 as a normal period. So I continued to take Fertility blend and my prenatal supplements as well as testing with OPK strips at first nothing so I thought ok maybe this month is shot but something told me to continue so then from CD 12 all I kept getting was positives including a Peak! Ok so then I’m thinking alright will continue TDBD until the CD 14 just in case and it wouldn’t hurt but then that evening between CD 14 and CD 15 my strips weren’t getting lighter in fact the test line was much more darker than the control line. So I purchased a Clearblue digital and of course it had a circle ⭕️ in the morning but my strips were dark so then I decided to test mid afternoon and a blinking face appeared🧐😀 but now I’m confused bc according to the app I peaked on CD 12 but I’m now on CD 16 and two dark lines on ovulation strip and a positive on clear blue advanced digital. So I don’t know why I’m seeing so many positive days and not getting any lower and should I then continue to TBD one more week? Man this is making me stressed now😔 and confused. Anyone out there with similar situation with a positive outcome... did you end up with a healthy pregnancy?