Using clearblue advanced ovulation test


Hello girls,

So I need some help I been using the digital clearblue ovulation test and it's a blank circle:when low fertility

A flashing smiley face: when high fertility

And a static smiley face: when in peak.

So I had intercourse on my first flashing smiley face until the static smiley face after that I didn't have anything and I did not get pregnant, now I think I did it wrong because I been reading to baby dance every other day but how like 2 days before the static face then once in get the static face to do it that say and for the next 3 days and on the 4 day rest and then one more day is that right? So do I have intercourse one day before ovulation (blinking face) then on a static face(peak) that day have it for 3 days? I'm confused do I start having intercourse on peak day or before peak day?