Birth story


On March 11th 2020 my gorgeous baby girl joined the world.

I had a vaginal birth with no pain medication.

I was 36 weeks and 4 days pregnant. My labor started around 12:30 am and I went into the hospital at 2:30am after having extreme back pain and contractions. I went in and I was 100% effaced and 6cm dilated. When I got to 8cm and my water wasnt broken they broke it manually (and the tool they used got stuck in her hair) this was around 2:40pm. I don't remember how long I pushed for but I didn't push for very long. At 3:30pm my beautiful Adelaide was born at 19 inches and 6 pounds 1 ounce. She was premature but she is very healthy and happy. After birth I was able to walk around and go back to normal without any pain.

Now Adelaide is 11 weeks old and smiling all the time. Here a birth picture and a recent ones as well.