
So I’ve been tracking using OPKS since Feb. We’ve been TTC for 10-11 months now since our miscarriage last April. Looking back on pics I had a very faint, but visible pink positive around Oct, but not enough to catch on a blood test or be considered viable. Didn’t get a period in Nov. Back on track in Dec.

Fast forward to the last 3 months of testing according to the Clearblue Digital OPK & the app, I have ovulated between CD 21 & 23. I’m now on CD 25 & app is suggesting my period will be due in 10 days.

This is a weird month for me as I ordered progesterone cream to try as some have mentioned it worked for them & based on symptoms I’m experiencing we wanted to see if this would help us. I got it & started using it 2-3 x’s a day as directed on the bottle on May 9th. I stopped using it around May 14-15th because a friend of mine mentioned it could actually prevent me from ovulating that I’m supposed to use it after ovulation only, not before 😬🤷🏻‍♀️.

So I used for less than a week basically before stopping it.

Google isn’t very specific neither was the bottle. Bottle just said use 2-3x’s a day for 3 weeks of the month. This being said. I’m not 100% when I ovulated this month or even if I did. I had stretchy CM on Fri May 22nd which would have been CD 19. I only ever revived my “high” reading this month. Started getting it on CD 14. As of CD 21-now its reading low.

Can anyone explain to me what my CM is telling me. I’ll post what it looked like on Fri- CD 19 & today CD 25...

I did start using the progesterone cream again just Incase I did ovulate. I started back up on Tues CD 23.

Thanks in advance 💕.

Fri- CD 19 evening CM

Today CD 25 evening CM