Raelynn Skye 💕🌈


Nothing went according to plan.

Starting at 32 weeks I had been going in 3 times a week for NST’s and growth ultrasounds because of my Type 1 Diabetes. Everything was looking SO good! But then at 33 w 4 d I started getting a headache (not normal for me) I just passed it off as stress at first. By the end of the night it was still there so I decided to have my dad check my blood pressure (he’s an EMT). I had been sitting borderline high for the past week but nowhere near the point of worry. The first time he checked it I was at 150/98. Right before I went home we checked it again and I was sitting at 168/107. I messaged my doctor and went into the ER the next morning, I was emitted 5 minutes into my work up with preeclampsia.

I was terrified! She was only 33 w 5 d at that point! It was decided to put me on fluids and magnesium for the next 2 days to get her to 34 weeks. That’s when I realized that my dream of a natural birth was gone...we’d be doing an emergency c-section. I knew it was the safest choice for both of us.

She was born April 18th at 9:53 am! (The day after my birthday ☺️) She was 5 lbs 1 Oz and perfectly healthy! She was taken straight to the NICU, I sent my husband to go with her. It was the hardest thing to do...I couldn’t see her for a couple of hours and it just killed me. She needed some oxygen and an NG tube. She finally got off oxygen and onto room air last week 🙌🏼 She’ll be coming home with her NG, she still has some work to do with eating.

It’s now been 6 weeks. I’ve spent every single day at the hospital with her, only leaving to come home and sleep. Thanks to COVID my husband hasn’t seen our sweet girl since I was discharged from the hospital in April. I can’t wait for him to see her again! Tomorrow is the day!! I can’t wait to have my baby girl home!! It’s been a LONG, stressful and emotional 6 weeks but I wouldn’t trade it for anything!

Here’s my smiley girl! Raelynn Skye ❤️ Coming home at 6 weeks old (40 weeks adjusted)