
So I’m 14 and I just finished my freshmen year of highschool and since quarantine I haven’t been able to see a lot of my friends or my boyfriend. I have been home alone every day other than the weekends. Me and my mom have had a rocky relationship since my dad passed away 2 years ago. She yells at me a lot and gives me way more responsibilities than my 19 year old brother that isn’t going to college. I have been working extremely hard to keep my grades up since we are doing online school and I’m in all honors classes and a teaching academy, I made sure to finish out the year with all A’s and I did and I thought it would take some pressure off of everything but it hasn’t helped. My mom asked me if I wanted to go spend three weeks with my family in an entire other state but she won’t come with me so it’s just me, and she wouldn’t let me say no. Then today I heard her talking to my grandma on the phone about how awful I am and how i never do anything right. I started crying so I went to my room and a few minutes later I couldn’t breathe it was like I couldn’t catch my breathe I later down and my head started spinning and a few minutes later it went away. Did I have an anxiety attack I’m not sure I’ve never had one before?