Husband VS Mother


I don't know what to do anymore.. It's like they just don't see how selfish they both are being. On the one hand I have my husband who Is doing all he can within this lock down we are facing to provide for the family and then on the other hand I have my mother who just doesn't appreciate anything we do. She has no way of speaking to a person and sometimes treats my children like they are dogs.

Like today we had a disagreement with each other and she just completely ignored my son and his 2 months old. She also treated my daughter like she's a dog and pushed her out the because my mother had a tantrum.

She also speaks to my child like she's a dog. I get so angry and I can't say anything to her because I must watch my mouth just because she is my mother. She continues to put my husband down with whatever he does. Then he too will be pig headed and carry on like her.

Then I'm stuck in the middle not knowing which way to turn.