My birth story was terrible

My birth story was terrible. I was told by my OB 3 weeks ago at my appointment to go to the hospital for overnight BP monitoring after I had an elevated BP reading at her office. After checking in to the hospital, I was again told my BP was elevated and that they would need to start Magnesium Sulfate for gestational hypertension. They also gave me 2 doses of Labetalol. Later that night, the nurse told me the decision was made to induce labor because I was in pre-eclampsia. I was started on Cervidil for cervical ripening. The following day, I hadn’t made much progress, so I was started on Cytotec and Pitocin. Eventually I was -1 stage and 2 cm dialated, so I got an epidural and they tried to insert a balloon to further dialated me and failed. The following  ay, I was 100% effaced, 4 cm dialated, but still at -1 stage, so they tried to insert a break my water and failed. They brought in another doctor the following day to break my water at 10+ cm dialated. I was allowed to push once; however, at this point I was extremely weak from 4 days of bedrest, limited clear liquids/NPO and was soaked in sweat from the magnesium sulfate and my mind was a complete fog. I was told by someone that my kidney levels were going up, but still in normal range; however they considered it HELLP syndrome. At this point, the OB recommended a c-section after 30+ hours of labor. My doula was consulting with me over the phone. My husband was able to come after the c-section. I wasn’t allowed to hold my baby or breastfeed him after delivery. I had to continue clear liquids and magnesium sulfate another day and was eventually discharged 2 days later. I had no overnight support. The nurses and nursery was no help. They brought my baby in to room with me while I was still on bedrest and then wouldn’t respond to the call light when I needed assistance. I am thankful my baby is a healthy 7 lbs, 1 oz, 20 inches and doing well.