Welcome Baby Kohen


On 5-12-20 at about 8pm I started feeling contractions but thought they were just normal aches.mind you I’m 38w 1d. I went on about my night and ate some pizza which I later regretted. Then about 1am on 5-13-20 I realized it was real and got a contraction app. The weren’t consistent or long until about 3 am and that’s when I went to the bathroom and seen blood. I knew it was go time. Me and my fiancé got to the hospital at about 4am and they checked and said I was at 8cm. I wanted natural and that’s what I got! My nurses and fiancé were so supportive and made an unmedicated natural birth possible. At 8:10am we welcomed Kohen Wade. He was 7lbs 11oz and 20in long.