Everyone thinks I have a Perfect Life

Hello. I won’t disclose my name but I’m a 13 year old girl from California. I’m sitting in the corner of the bathroom floor with is the length of about 4’10 inches by about 3 feet. Here’s my short life story: I go to a pretty normal school. Because of the clothes a wear, what I look like, or my persona I’m everyone thinks I’m so rich. Everyone thinks I live in a big house, my room is so big, and I have a mom and a dad who are so wealthy. But the thing is, none of it’s true. I’m going to explain my family dynamic in Simple Terms (names will be changed).

Me- I’m very talkative, very mature for my age, understanding, empathetic, hardworking, ambitious, overly hard on myself, critical only when it comes to myself, a big people pleaser, I always know how to stand up for myself, I’m really competitive, and a good listener, and have been called wise and an old soul, I know how to take charge of a room, I always take the leader role, I always seem really happy and funny at school, try too hard, really selfless when it comes to relationships, I love being around people and I don’t like to be by myself. I’ve had a life plan ever since I could remember. At school I come off at first as intimidating but when people start to know me they always end up laughing at my jokes. I’m emotional but nobody at school know this. I get really good grades, get 1st place in anything, have a lot of talents, and I appear confident. So everyone thinks I have the perfect life, and no one bothers asking questions like that. When they do, I lie to keep on what everyone thinks. Barely anyone in the school knows that I only live with my mom, not my “dad” the last time I actually was with him was when I was 6. We weren’t really close, but him and my older sister were. Whenever someone asks me about my parent I try to completely change the subject. I feel almost embarrassed bc everyone thinks I have an easy life.

Mom- she is really beautiful, really hardworking, ambitious, she’s confident yet she’s insecure about her body. I know bc my mom and I’s dynamic is I’ve always been really close to her. She tells me everything, ever since I was younger. She’s not really emotional or nurturing, she’s more like the breadwinner but she also gives me pep talks before important things, and always wishes that I succeed. When I win she is always so proud. She does get easily irritated so when I tell her that my Older Sister hit me or did something she always gets really annoyed with me and says shes not interested in knowing because, “everything is drama”. She will fight with me and be really unkind, and then she will say sorry. When she asks me a question and I respond she says I don’t always need to explain myself, and “I’m sick of it”. I can tell that my older sister (14) really bothers her.

“Dad”- My parents divorced when I was maybe 4 and my sister and I had days where we would be with our “dad” or mom. My sister was older so she was able to process what was happening which is why I think she kind of has “daddy issues”. I also have some issues, but I never bring them up, bc I’m supposed to be the perfect child. My “dad” was okay I guess, I wouldn’t really know. I do know that he always made up stories of my mom to my sister and that’s why my mom and sister don’t have an actual connection.

Sister- My sister is the funniest person I know, but she also has such a short temper, is insecure, is rude and disrespectful, has the I don’t care mentality (doesn’t care about grades or relationships or offending people, or about being kind or nice. We get in fights often and she gets really aggressive. Also is a big attention seeker, she gets annoyed if she isn’t in the center, which is not good considering we are both dominant, She’s really defensive and guess what she does. She’ll get in a really big fight with you, then after she does 5 minutes later she’ll come up to you and try to talk to you and play with you like nothing ever happened. Then when I bring up the topic she gets mad again and the cycle continues. She’s constantly on call with her friends and quite selfish. She always surrounds herself with terrible people in school. One day, I snooped thru her phone while she was sleeping. They was just after summer ended, and she was constantly wearing baggy clothes, which is I guess normal for a teen, but always wore long sleeves. I found out that apparently she had been vapping (she was just saying this to her friends to be cool I guess) and she was texting people she met online and from school. Saying stuff like how I’m a terrible sister and that our mom is terrible, and making up fake stories. I also found out she started to cut her wrists. I told my mom about some of it after a lot of thinking. Only bc I wanted to make sure she was safe. I also found in a pencil case in her room that wasn’t even hidden. I opened it an inside was a blade, bandaids, and alcohol swabs. She put the blade in a small plastic box thingy and labeled it “FOR CUTTING ONLY”. I know this is terrible to say, but I know my sister and I know she was doing it for attention. I know this is terrible to say, but my sister is really smart when she wants to be. There are so many good hiding places she could have put it. Please don’t hate me for saying this, but she had told all her friends that her life was horrible, made everyone seems like the bad guy, and I feel like she cut her wrist for attention. But we never even got to see the scares on her wrist. While we were talking a little while later after her mom confronted her about it, her arms were showing. And she didn’t have any visible scares. I’ve gotten accidentally lightly cut by a blade like the one my sister had, and it left a small scare. But I didn’t see any on my sisters wrist.