

Hey ladies, I’m 8w4d with baby #3. I went to the ER Wednesday night because I noticed a bit of red blood after I went to the bathroom. They told me I had a subchorionic hemorrhage and that my hcg levels were 14000, Friday I went to my OB, the ER said I needed repeat labs but they only did an ultrasound instead and said the hemorrhage must have cleared up. Baby looked good and had a healthy heart rate. I didn’t bleed Thursday or Friday. Saturday morning I woke up with lots of brown, throughout the day it turned red and was enough for me to wear and have to change a panty liner twice. I went back to the ER, they said it was a hemorrhage again, but didn’t say if it was the same one or a new one. Baby had a super high heart rate of 196 and my levels were only a little over 15000. Since then my bleeding has increased and now there are at least dime sized clots. Over the last couple of hours I’ve started to feel like I would on my period, crampy and my lower back hurts. Not awful cramps but enough to make me uncomfortable. Has anyone experienced something similar to this? Good or bad outcome?