Dream feed tips.


I want to start a dream feed for my baby but I’m scared lol.

My baby goes to sleep early at like 7 pm every day. He wakes up for a feed between 1-3 am then sleeps till 5-6 am max.

I tried the dream feed for one time but it didn’t work so well. I fed him at 11.30 pm and he went right back to sleep. The thing is, he woke up at 4 am, wasn’t hungry at all but needed a diaper change, then it took me almost an hour to get him back to sleep only for him to wake up at 5.30 full energy hehe.

What advice do you have on dream feeding ? Do you only feed or do you change the diaper also ? would a diaper change wake them up or stimulate them?

Any tips on helping me establish a good dream feed will be amazing!

Thank you!