Our birth story!! 💜💜

Katie • Married 4.18.19 💍 GJB 4.30.20 👶🏼💖

I’m going to be honest I was terrified to get pregnant because of all the horror stories I have heard from so many people. Me & my husband have ALWAYS talked about having kids since our first date 5.5 years ago! We waited to get married before we would try to have one!! I don’t want to say my pregnancy was easy but for this to be my first pregnancy I thought it went smoothly. I never had morning sickness or cravings or anything else!

Around 33 weeks my blood pressure was super high at my appointment & I was tested for preeclampsia. Came back negative it was a huge relief. I was told I would have to come in twice a week til I gave birth. Luckily, my blood pressure normalized and I went back to once a week visits with non-stress tests. I had at least 10 non stress tests! All came back normal!

At my 37 week appointment, my doctor suggested I be induced at 39 weeks just as a precaution for my blood pressure! So I was induced at 39 weeks & 1 day! We went in on April 30, 2020 at 7:30am! By the time I was hooked up to everything it was around 9am! I was only 1cm & 50% thinned out so I knew this was going to be a very long day/night! Things weren’t progressing so my doctor came in at 2pm & broke my water & this was the most uncomfortable weirdest feeling I have ever had! It was like a water balloon popping on you! I wasn’t feeling any contractions all day & once my water broke I felt them instantly! I asked our nurses for an epidural & I got one around 3pm and it was rough! As the day went on I was slowly making progress but not much was happening. My nurses kept telling me to take a nap but it was so hard to! Around 8pm I was only 5cm and 90% thinned. By 9pm I was having chills, my face was red, I couldn’t move my toes, and I was itchy. I was given Benadryl and I fell asleep for half an hour. Sooo I woke up and I asked my husband to check my bed because I felt “stuff” coming out & I was having the urge to poop. The nurse checked me & said “um your complete and we’re going to have this baby.” I started shaking and trying to calm myself was soo hard! I had to wait for what seemed like FOORREEVVEERR for all the nurses/doctor all while feeling contractions and trying not to push! I pushed for only 25 mins & our baby girl Giuliana was born on April 30th at 11:18pm!

I never imagined I would have to give birth without my mom by my side bc of this pandemic but my husband was a rockstar! I wish my family & my husbands family could have been there but the 3 of us spent a lot of quality time together 💜