Alone with no value to my name

I don’t know why I can’t seem to find support. After my son died, I was being told to go to group. I found a group and they made it very clear that it was completely anonymous. We were not to trade numbers or talk outside of the group. I was so upset because that’s why I was there. To connect with others and have a support system and to be a support system. As group went on I was angry because so many of them had a husband or boyfriend with them for support and I was alone. I had no one and knowing when I left I couldn’t be friends with anyone made me feel more alone and more angry. Another friend of mine went to a grief meeting after he lost his dad and he loved it but they made it a community. They could be friends and talk outside the meeting. Another friend was in AA and he said that they encouraged everyone to have everyone’s phone number and be their support if they need it. I was stuck with the one group where we were not allowed to do that. Now I am lost and depressed and of course my friends are trying to get me to go to a group. But I get mad at them for even saying that and then I feel alone. How do I find people to connect with and let go of this anger?