A year later and I’m sharing my labor and deliver story (scary/emotional )

Belen • 21 | pcos | Mommy to a boy 💙

So a week before my due date which was December 3rd, 2018 I went to the dr and he told me I was 3cm dilated and labor would come soon. The day came and I was still very very pregnant I was so big I just couldn’t wait anymore. There’s a little tea shop where I live that sells a tea called “ready for baby” apparently it helps start labor. I needed my baby out I couldn’t walk and was having small contractions so I decided to take the tea that same day. After I drank it I noticed my mucus plug was coming out but nothing was happening so I took it again on December 4. I was at my moms that day due to my husband working I went home around 12am and the cotracactions started getting stronger so around 3 I decided to go to the hospital where they checked me and I was 4cm so I stayed. Everything was happening so fast my contractions were getting stronger and the nurse told me I had to get an epidural due to my baby’s heartbeat going down cause of how strong the contractions were. They took me up to labor and delivery and they checked me I was already 6 cm open I got the epidural and after that I just waited. The nurse asked me if my dr told me I was carrying a big baby and I told her no he didn’t then I hear the dr tell her “we are going to see if she’s a good pusher if not she’s going to have to get a c section” mind you my dr didn’t even show up so I had a different one crazy thing is this dr delivered me also how crazy is that lol anyways so the time comes and I start pushing, I could feel my bones separating it hurt but I was just focused on pushing so I wouldn’t get a c section. I pushed for a whole hour i felt like my head was about to explode I just couldn’t do it anymore baby wasn’t coming out the dr looked like he was worried till he finally PULLED him out so hard the baby was about to fall from his hands. So after baby was finally out which was at 9:19am he was not crying the nurses were screaming for help from a nicu nurse. The baby had liquid in his lungs which wasn’t letting him breath after a couple minutes he was finally crying and I was rushed out to a surgery room due to him ripping me really bad I needed over 10 stitches😣 I didn’t get to see my baby till hours later because he had to stay in the nicu to be monitored. I went home two days later but unfortunately he had to stay a week there aswell because I had a fever when I was in labor which caused him to get an infection and he needed to be on antibiotics for 7 days. Although my labor and delivery didn’t go as I expected I’m so thankful my son is healthy! He is a BIG 1 year old and will definitely be very tall lol