Hypoplastic left heart syndrome

Kayla • Wife & mama raising two babes with my angel baby Ada in heaven. ✨ 10/3/2020 Rest In Peace my beautiful baby girl. 💖

Hello 💕 I am 23 weeks pregnant and at my 20 week scan they detected some abnormalities on my baby’s left side of her heart. I was referred to a specialist where they diagnosed my baby with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) because the left side of her heart is not developing correctly as it should at this point in the pregnancy. I have to wait 4 weeks for a following up US/echo. I had an amino done and all tests came back negative for any chromosomal abnormalities. Has this happened to anyone and everything turned out okay in the end? I have been a wreck for the last week and am having a very hard time processing this news.