Toxic friends

I am a 33 year old mother of 3. My kids are ages 11,7, & 4... I started seeing a therapist almost a year ago. During therapy I’ve realized that I am codependent, I have a highly narcissistic mother (it is hard for me to say that) I have been diagnosed with PTSD because of childhood trauma. Some learning about narcissism lead me to seriously AWAKEN to the fact that my entire life was based off of trying to please someone who can never be pleased; Trying to earn her love. Since realizing this I went no contact. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done. The other really crappy thing is that all of my friendships are just my relationship with my mother on repeat. Basically I’ve attracted people who resemble my mother in some way, and I’m telling you—it’s not healthy. The insults disguised as compliments, the subtle put-downs, the unsolicited advice, the absolute lack of.... I realized my “friends” were just as toxic to me as my mother was. Now I am all alone, working on healing, suffering a bit of social anguish bc idk how to choose my friends. It’s like I don’t trust myself. However I would rather have no one than make the same mistakes again. Thoughts & comments welcome!