Nap help

Staci • 💙 Baby Boy 1/5/2020 💙 Baby Boy 1/21/2022

Alright napping tips...ever since his sleep regression at 3 months he won't nap well. It's a process to get him asleep finally. And then when he does sleep it's 20-45 minutes and that's it. If I hold him in my arms he can sleep up to 2 hours. But obviously with daycare that's not possible plus I don't want that habit to continue. I have tried the dark room same process as bed time thing and it didn't make a difference. The daycare lady has been doing this for 30ish years and even she is having the worst time with him. Tips please?! He is almost 6 months. He does sleep like a champ at night but I'm guessing it's from pure exhaustion.