Rough Couple of Weeks

Kaitlyn • Married, 26, 👶🫄

I'm just about in tears over the awful past couple weeks we've had and today has been a rough day already and we're not even to the worst part. Tuesday night of last week at about 10PM my baby had woken up for the 3rd time since I had put her down for bed. She had been doing really well and sleeping from 6:30 PM to 2AM and then 2:30 AM to 6AM and then 6:30 AM to 8AM. So the third time she woke up I thought I would change her diaper and see if she would settle in. She was covered in welts from her chest down to her diaper and her back was covered as well. Big huge red welts. I called the after hours peds because it looked like an allergic reaction. They said since she wasn't breathing funny or acting that different, that I just needed to watch her overnight and bring her in the next morning. So obviously I didn't sleep. I was so scared she would stop breathing. We take her to the pediatrician and he just brushes me off like he doesn't think I know what I'm talking about. She had eaten oatmeal that night and it was the first time she had had it. Also this is her 3rd allergic reaction in her 6 months of life. The first 2 times were to a lotion that contained oatmeal. (It took me a while to figure out it was the lotion because we started using a new detergent at the same time as the rash and I had used the lotion several times before on her.) He told me that she couldn't be allergic to oatmeal and that he thought she had a viral reaction to something. He did bloodwork but it didn't show anything definite either way. He just told me to not feed her oatmeal until after her first birthday. I was mad, but just glad my baby was okay because by this point the rash looked more like heat rash than welts.

Thursday I went with my mom to go buy some church friends a wedding present. My baby screamed the whole car ride to the store (about 30 minutes) and nothing would console her. I put her in our baby wrap and she napped for about 30 minutes and was smiling and happy, but as soon as she was in the carseat again she screamed the whole way home. She refuses to sleep anywhere but home and only lets me put her to sleep. Saturday we had 6 month pictures made for her and family pictures and she did really well and was happy right up until we were leaving. By the time we were leaving she was ready for bed and some boob. It was overall a good day. Sunday we went to church and she did really well, but was really sleepy by the end. We needed to get groceries after church and instead of taking me and the baby home first so she could sleep, my husband insisted we go right then. We live less than 3 minutes from our church so it's not like going home was completely out of the way. I stayed in the car with our baby and she screamed the entire time he was buying groceries and the entire way home because once again, she'll only nap at home in her crib.

Monday I had a doctor's appointment in the next town over (about 45 minute drive). She only screamed for half of the way over there and then almost the entire way back. She finally wore herself out and fell asleep for about 20 minutes. She screamed the entire time I was at my appointment (my mom came with me and watched her). She basically screamed all day.

So with everything going on, the past couple days we've stayed at home and tried to get back on our normal routine. Tuesday was fine, she was just a little fussy, yesterday was great. I let her take an extra nap though because she had been really tired. I don't know if that's where I messed up or what because last night she was up and down every 1.5-2 hours. She hasn't done that in over a month. Her longest stretch of sleep was 3.5 hours. But there were a couple times she woke up 45 mins to an hour later. All. Night. Long. She only screams at my husband if he tries to get her at night and it takes twice as long for me to get her down after that. Several times she woke up screaming. I'm exhausted. And today she has her 6 month appt and is getting shots. She won't nap well today and has just been a mess because she's so tired. This week my husband has been working 10-12 hour shifts everyday and has to work until Sunday. He'll be hitting close to 70 hours this week. By the time he gets home its her bed time or close to it so there's not a lot of help. I'm physically and emotionally drained and I'm afraid tonight will be worse because she's usually fussy for a couple of days after shots. I just want sleep and an hour or 2 to myself. 😭