I miss my baby daddy

I’m 3 months pregnant and 3 weeks ago I broke up with the father of my unborn baby. Now I’m missing him badly and I’m not sure if I should text him when was me telling him to cut all contact. I’m confused. I miss that man a lot, I think of him 24/7

I want him back but I don’t want to run after him... after 3 weeks he has not contacted me... so that says a lot.

I broke up with him because he is not working at the moment and all he does is to drive his car all day but somehow he never has time for coming to see me. He used to come 2-3 times per week and now once every 10


I don’t know what to do. Should I wait for him to contact me?


More info: his communication skills were normal, he used to text me everyday, not anymore.

The day I dumped him, he came to see me for telling me he wanted that baby and wanted to be with me. He pulled away a bit when I told him I was pregnant because of his past experiences with his ex wife (he has already a kid). He took a couple of weeks for thinking about what he wanted and I gave him space. Then he came back and promised to change his ways and try to do things better.

But that is not happening so I dumped him, thinking without him I would be and feel much better. After 3 weeks I’m missing him more than ever