17 weeks 1 day


Got to hear the baby’s heartbeat today at my midwife appointment which was magical and made me so happy! 😍

Then I’ve spent the rest of the day getting irritated and stressed and naggy.

Because I want to know what the baby is but I definitely don’t want to find out at my next scan.

Because I want the whole house to be tidy and clean and perfect and to have the nursery sorted out but I haven’t got the energy and don’t know where to start.

Because I haven’t got the money to treat myself to something new and cheer myself up because we’ve just bought a new bed for our daughter instead and I’m so grateful for a good job and wages which means we want for nothing but I sometimes forget to treat myself.

Because I’ve got heartburn and reflux and feel sick with it and really restless so cant go to sleep even though I’m exhausted as I haven’t slept properly in days.

So now I’ve sat here and cried and told my husband that I hate that I don’t know what to do and that I’m useless right now and a load of other stuff.... he’s just looked at me like I’m crazy and told me to go to bed 😂

Man I love being pregnant but some days are an emotional rollercoaster 😂