Please Don’t Tell Me I’m the Only One

Brittany • Wife + Momma of 3 💗

I am currently 8 weeks and 3 days and have had morning sickness start since week 5. The bizarre thing is that I can only stomach junk food. Before I was pregnant I was gym goer, 6 days a week for 2&half hours. I meal prepped my meals and ate extremely healthy. Now that I’m pregnant the thought of ground turkey, chicken, or ANY protein makes me sick. I can’t even eat vegetables but luckily I can hold down peaches and oranges. I also can only tolerate extremely iced cold water. I also haven’t been to the gym since before the lockdown because I’m nauseous about 85% of the time and I have two kids lol. My question is, is anyone else in the same boat? I feel so bad for only being able to tolerate unhealthy food. I just wonder how long this is going to last.