First time TTC looking for cycle buddies, 6/16 ovulation


Hi there 👋🏾

I’m Akira. I’m 28 and an engineer in Virginia. My husband and I have been married for 3 years (as of yesterday!!) and own a dog walking business. We’ve been TTC #1 for about a year and a half now. I use OPKs and FitBit in addition to this app. I recently went through the round of blood tests, sonogram, and the dreaded HSG...turns out I have PCOS. My cycles are typically 26 days, and I’m expecting AF on the 29th. I’m new to the app, new to these acronyms (I have to Google to get through these articles 🤦🏾‍♀️), and would love to have cycle buddies to experience this journey with. My other interests are spending time with loved ones, petting dogs, traveling, dancing, manicures, working out, journaling, and drinking wine (I’ve recently been trying to abstain, but I’m a work-in-progress 🤷🏾‍♀️).

If we’re a match and you’re looking for a group of ladies to encourage you, listen to you, sprinkle you with baby dust, and everything else that comes along with having someone standing beside you in this chapter, then please comment below. I can’t wait to connect with you 🤗

Thanks for your time and good luck to you all!