Starting over... sorry its long.


13DPO, AF is supposed to come to visit tomorrow. I caved and tested 3x during the tww, all bfn. Today I've been spotting on and off. I don't have my usual PMS symptoms, but I'm sure its just that.

This was my first cycle trying ever. So I was very excited, but also aware that most people don't get pregnant on their first try. Nontheless, my husband and I were very excited and at some point, super sure that I must have been pregnant. I guess we were both symptom spotting really bad. I got so anxious during the wait, I need to learn to better handle the stress. It's a personal flaw. When I want something I want it now, and I get frustrated when I don't see results.

I will try to be calmer during this next cycle. I will try to focus on having a healthier lifestyle. Before deciding to try I had been working out and eating healthy, but then when we decided to try I got so stressed with expectation that everything went down the drain and in these past two weeks I've gained about five pounds. True that it also coincided with end of a very stressfull academic medschool semester, but icecream consumption was extreeme and inexcusable.

Anyway, I'll focus on being a healthier better self everyday and hopefully this new adventure will start soon. Baby dust to all of you! I guess I'll be back in about two weeks! Good luck to all of you who are still hanging in there!