Early pregnancy signs


What were your earliest pregnancy signs??

I’m 10 dpo period should be starting in 4 days. For the past several months my periods have been late. But I feel like I’m having either period symptoms or possible pregnancy symptoms (I know they’re pretty much the same thing).

I have tender breasts and nipples (not terribly awful, just sore when I lightly press on them).

I’ve been bloated, started cramping near my ovary on the right side, and just breaking out a little.

I typically break out and cramp a day or two before my period comes. But since I’m still four days away from AF showing up, I’m wondering if I’m possibly pregnant???

I took a test tonight because I’m just impatient lol but it was obviously bfn. I understand I’m not out this cycle, although I’m a little discouraged. But I’m just wondering if anyone else has had similar symptoms and ended up getting a bfp?

*i also want to add that I have been using OPK strips for the past 2-3 cycles and I tested positive for the first time this cycle.