
I think I may be pregnant. I’m 16 and I had my first depo shot in February. The ending date was from May 15-24th. And I am ashamed to say that I’ve had sex even after that estimated ending date. My breasts just started to feel sore (mostly just my nipples). And I’ve had some cramping type stuff down there too. Maybe some mood swings and tiredness but not sure for those two. I need to take a test but I’m really afraid of the outcome. I have a really bad feeling it’s going to be positive. And if it does turn out to be positive I really feel I would want an abortion. I know I sound absolutely horrible (please try to refrain from hate), I just cannot be pregnant right now. I know plenty of girls who’ve gotten pregnant at my age and they’ve rocked it. And good for them you know? But I just couldn’t. Not right now at least. I definitely want to have kids when I get to that place, but I can’t succeed in school if I’m with-child. And I really want to be successful in life. I make straight A’s and maintain a 4.38 GPA. I know my entire family would be disappointed enough to find out that I’m pregnant, along with the father’s parents. I can’t imagine their faces if they were to find out I wanted an abortion. But I don’t know what to do. I can’t get one without a parents signature. Please, I’m asking for advice. Desperately.