Boyfriend doesn’t like calls

My now ex-boyfriend told me he doesn’t like phone calls and didn’t like calling me. So whenever i asked to facetime at night he’d always say no but I always begged him to just FaceTime me for abit. But he never liked to.

Me and this boy was in a 9 month relationship (until he ended it) and we would always be on FaceTime together but i could sort of tell he didn’t always want to because he would say stuff like “i need to do something for my mum” “I’ll call you back in like a hour” and he never did. But most of the time we’d be on FaceTime and would have fun.

Recently we got back together after like 8 months after breaking up from our 9 month relationship. But his attitude changed so much. He told me he’s become antisocial which is such a lie because hes a very social person. And he told me he doesn’t like calling me and he finds texting boring too. But i love late night calls with my boyfriend so i use to beg him to facetime me but he would always say no because he would always be on his ps4 with his friends at night for hours. So i just accepted it sometimes. but we did always snap eachother but thats boring. I dont want to message him i wanted a nice conversation on the phone where i could hear his voice. But when i told him that, he sent me a voicenote of him talking to me but i just got annoyed because i knew he was trying to annoy me💀 i begged him to just call me because whenever he calls me we get into massive conversations about anything and laugh and the facetime calls turn into 3 hour calls.

One time he allowed me to call him and when I answered it I asked how he is and then after all that he says “see this is so boring what do we do now” 🙄. I knew he changed because in our previous relationship we always phoned eachother so why is he changing now?

I always told him that i think he’s changed and he just says thats how he is now and how he’s antisocial. But he isnt he plays around so much and has so many friends and talks to everyone and is really happy so i dont know why he’s being like that. Anyway the phone call turnt into him admitting that he doesn’t really want a relationship anymore and i knew he didn’t because ever since we got back together his attitude was just off. But i was just waiting for him to say it. When he finally said it i told him that i knew.. he told me he didn’t want me to be upset because he still loves me so much but he says he was thinking about it that same day and realised that he just finds relationships boring now. But its weird because after his confession, he started talking more and started making jokes with me over the phone. It made me think that he’s happier which is ok with me even though it did make me abit upset but i still stayed on the phone and had a conversation with him. We both still love eachother very much but we haven’t spoken in 4 days because we got into a argument about me being pregnant at 16 (i know it’s confusing, me and him did stuff together and now theres a possibility im pregnant) but yh we dont talk anymore