

I just had my 20 week ultrasound and found out my baby has Hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Basically the left side of her heart never got blood flow and never grew :’( Has anyone else be through anything similar..? I am so scared and I just want to make sure my baby is ok and stays in my tummy as long as possible to get healthy and strong for the surgeries she is going to need... :’( They said she has a 50-70% chance.... I was actually born with heart issues myself and luckily my mom made it to 37 weeks with me. There was only supposed to be a 4-6% chance I passed on the bad gene and I was heart broken when I found out... anyone else go/going through this..? πŸ˜₯i need all the prayers and support I can get for me and my rainbow....πŸ˜“πŸŒˆ