Getting tubes tied?

I tried for a hard time to get and stay pregnant with multiple losses before I finally conceived my daughter. She’s 8 weeks old. I am so thankful and blessed to finally have her, but I had a ROUGH pregnancy. In the beginning I was so sick that it even caused me to lose my employment. Then at the end I had to be induced at 37 weeks due to severe preeclampsia. They’ve told me they theres a likelihood that it could happen again in the next pregnancy, and that scares me a lot.

So we’ve been discussing birth control options. And we’re considering me possibly getting my tubes tied. Would I qualify for that seeing as how I had severe preeclampsia and I’m almost 28 years old? My OB told me that my next pregnancy (if there is one) would be considered high risk due to me having preeclampsia the first time...Anyone know or gone through it too?