Landlord moving furnace

So Sunday evening my landlord (lives across the street) stopped by to let us know he was going to be having a plumber come by the following day (monday) to move a furnace. He just wanted to let us know out of courtesy because he knows we have an infant and my hubby works the graveyard shift. He said they would be over Monday afternoon for a few hours and it may get a little noisy. No worries, we appreciated being informed.

Well here it is, Wednesday at 3PM and they have been working in the basement 9AM to 5 PM the past 3 days. It really wouldn't be a big deal but I wish I would have known so I could have planned day trips to get out of the house and away from the noise and constant slamming and various other bangs and clatter.

My poor babe has been so miserable because hes constantly being woken up by a noise when hes falling asleep.

On top of it, the plumber blocks the entire driveway with his truck and trailer so it's not like we can even leave to go out.

Its probably a super shallow thing to complain about but I'm one over tired momma with a over tired, cranky baby.

Anyone know how long it takes to move a furnace 30 feet across the basement? 😅