Gender and PGS question


Update! Today the genetic counselor at Maternal-Fetal Medicine blurted out the gender of our embryo without asking us if we knew first. Lol. Guess all my attempts to plan anything baby-related starting from the initial TTC process to finding out the gender is all for naught. Oh well! Baby girl looks healthy and that’s all that matters!

Hi! I’m interested in hearing your stories about finding out the gender of your babies. My husband and I did PGS testing and recently learned our first FET was successful. We have an envelope sealed with the gender inside and are torn on when to open it. Do we wait until after our heartbeat u/s in a few weeks?! Should we wait until the first trimester is over?! Wait until the anatomy u/s like a normal couple who didn’t do

<a href="">IVF</a>

?! Some family members want us to do a gender reveal, but I’ve never wanted one and now that it’s taken so damn much to conceive this little miracle, I selfishly want that intimate moment just for me and my husband. Plus it would have to be via Zoom and it just doesn’t sound like fun to me.

What did you guys do? Any regrets?