Am I tripping?!

3 years ago, my husband and I miscarried at 18 weeks. By time we’d found out that the baby didn’t have a heartbeat, I’d already started shopping (we were told that we were pass the “12 week/safe zone”. So I felt good about my purchases). After our loss, my mom advised me that it would be best to remove the baby’s items from our home to help with some of the grieving. I took them to my mother in law’s house. Now fast forward and we’re pregnant again. I went to get my things and my mother in law tells me “you’re not putting that dead baby’s clothes on your new baby. You will be donating those things”. Mind you, there’s clothes and sentimental items from the loss of our first child in the boxes and all of the clothes/shoes/diapers still have tags on them! The swing, pack and play, car seat is all new! My husband as even gone over and tried to look for our things and he can’t find them anywhere! She tells us that she has them in a place that only she knows. I am convinced that she has given our things away! My friends are telling me to calm down, and telling me that we can replace them.... but I’m upset because she’s not honest and because she feels like she can tell me that i am going to donate the things that I’ve bought and never intended to donate!

Am I tripping to think that she’s trying to cover something up????