
I just had my 12 week appointment Wednesday. I have an ultra sound for the genetic screening portion on Tuesday. Then I don’t have an appointment for 3 whole weeks?! I know that’s totally normal and nothing to be “upset” over. However, how do I know baby is ok during that time? I’m already not as nauseous, so I don’t even really feel pregnant anymore and it FREAKS ME OUT! Any tips on how not stress and worry about baby? Any good experiences with a Doppler around the beginning on your second trimester?

Picture from 10 week 4 day appointment* Heart rate was 170 bpm at my 12 week check up!

Edit to add: I’m high risk and this is the longest I will have gone without a doctor’s appointment. My doctor is taking vacation for 2 weeks which is why I’m going so “long” between. I do have routine blood work I’ll have to get done during the 3 week break from appointments, just no seeing or hearing baby for that long!