It’s been 2 days, we only have arguements with each other 😞

So I’m not the type of person that will start a fight. But he has brought up some topics that have brought things at the surface which are not appreciated. The reason of the fight is pretty irrelevant and small (we both agreed on that at the end), but it’s duration took so long (in fact we are still in argument since yesterday night). This is a long distance relationship so things can easily be misunderstood through text, that’s why this happened.

I feel so bad. All this made me feeling sick and nauseous all day long, we never fight, this was our first argument in these 6 months we’re talking. I said sorry and that I had no intention to make him feel bad, then told him my side and that he made me feel bad too He said sorry too. But I feel like we’re cold with each other still. He’s still like “you won’t change my opinion of you”.

What should I do? How can I save this relationship?