Relationship advice

I’ve been with the same man for 4 years. We have a child together. We moved into a house together.

We broke up on Tuesday morning. He hasn’t been home since unless it’s to get his daughter, but when he did, he grabbed his stuff and dropped of his key as well.

This isn’t a relationship I’m ready to let go, this isn’t somebody I’m ready to leave. I was really upset at the moment on Tuesday morning because I had saw something disrespectful in his phone. I told him to get out, I was just really upset and emotional. But it’s literally been DAYS, and I have just been crying up a storm... I don’t feel right without him. I don’t want to be alone and I don’t want this relationship to end. This is somebody that I share my every day life with that i also share my struggles with. This really isn’t a relationship I’m ready to move on from, I really just want him to come home. I had called him from my phone cause our daughter wanted to talk to him, and I just told him to come home. That we miss him here, and I just don’t feel right. And he told me he doesn’t have a home and I know he’s been sleeping either in his car or at a hotel, but I just really don’t want him out there. I just want him home and I feel so miserable without him around. He hasn’t told me anything about the way he feels and it just portrays that he doesn’t care which also messes me up.😓

I really don’t want to move on, I feel like this is something we can get through. And I know that I don’t have the best of communication style which I really need to work on. But this isn’t something I’m ready to let go. Please I need advice.

(We’ve gotten through arguments where he’d be gone for a few days but he never picked up his stuff and left the key this time, that’s why it hurts so much😭)