Welcome to the world sweet Briar Rose❤️

Cassady • Mama of 2 little boys and a sweet baby girl 💖

A full week of what I thought was Braxton Hicks contractions, on and off but very painful, multiple hospital visits in one day. Dilating a couple cm every few hours and being sent home in pain. Finally one last doctor appointment where I was sent to labor and delivery after being sent home from there 3 hours earlier. I was admitted , got my epidural after about 2 hours of being there , the first

the anesthesiologist was in a bad mood and was awful to me , her first try she hit a nerve and almost paralyzed me. My left side started jerking and felt like it was on fire, she blamed me and told me she should’ve done the other person first. She had to redo it and STILL messed it up only one side of my body went numb . After an hour of me being in extreme pain and dilating really fast, we decided to redo the epidural with a different anesthesiologist and he got it on the first try within 10 minutes and it worked ! After I was numb, they broke my water and Within the hour I was dilated to a 10 and ready to push! I pushed 4 times and babygirl was out. 8lbs 3oz, sweet miss Briar Rose was born on June 11th at 38w5d